Jamshid Gaipov. East fairy tale of a wooden lace

For a meeting with surprising and unknown, it is completely not obligatory to go to the distant countries. Sometimes simply enough to leave the house. To leave and go to any corner of own city, for example in old Tashkent area Kukcha, in traditional Uzbek mahalya. And what miracles can wait behind collars of the usual house.

We are met by the owner, Jamshid Gaipov, the woodcarver in the seventh generation. But during the first moment you be unable see and hear someone. Because behind the back of the master, opened to you a door of the hospitable house, you will see at once wooden openwork cloths. They as if are shone in tender beams of the autumn Tashkent sun, and patches of light play it a noble body of plane trees, a nut and nacre eyes.

We are scattered, clicking shutters of cameras, on a small court yard, long fading before each openwork miracle. Here a huge door four-folding frame from a warm nut with a florid vegetative pattern and incrustation from nacre.

And this door is similar to a magnificent carpet. The part of elements of a pattern Ц isn't processed Ц there there will be brass details. And the door becomes a copy of a gate of a palace of any medieval khan.

The decorative panel with incrustation from nacre. Nacre our, Syr-Darya. Jamshid tells that is traditional in houses of the Uzbek nobility, a carved tree inlaid with onyx. But now this pleasure is impossible expensive.

Along one of court yard walls the huge design which is difficult for capturing a sight entirely has settled down. It is a carved column from the nut tree, taken to pieces. Through branches of a huge tree of a persimmon, light made the way non-uniformly and from that various parts of a column played the most different colors. From is dim-brown to yellow and orange.

It is the average part of a basis decorated with nacre:

Trunk of a column with brass eight-final stars:

And this detail is similar tandir. In it alternates smooth surface with carved fragments which remind elements of a gold embroidery along the edges of the Uzbek national dress.

If you once were in Uzbekistan and came into old palaces and mosques of Khiva, Kokand, Bukhara or Samarkand you saw both such doors, and such columns. Only they are executed by masters who are separated from master Dzhamshida Gaipova by a time piece of 400-500 years.

We go down in a cellar-workshop.Jamshid assistants create there . Under the sketch traced by Jamshid they by using special tools cut off from a tree all superfluous, showing on a surface convex florid picture.

Jamshids tools, he project them depending on the conceived technics of a pattern. The workshop is filled by a ready jobbing.

Support under the books which design more reminds a wooden logic toy-puzzle.

Scattering of the carved caskets which yet have been not covered with a varnish. I haven't found on a regiment two identical.


The wooden panels processed by the most different technicians:


The same elements of the sketch look absolutely differently, depending on depth of a carving and technology of varnishing

We asked and asked about technicians and the Uzbek schools of woodcarving. He knew all! Listening to his descriptions, it was thought that as it would be desirable, that there was such museum where it would be possible to see all nearby: Tashkent, the Khorezm, Bukhara, Samarkand school. That near to works of modern carvers there were works of centuries-old prescription. Also it would be desirable to see works of times of Amir Timur, the period when Timur brought woodcarvers from all countries. And as local, Uzbek, the carving school changed under the influence of the Iranian or Indian masters.

I have sounded this question. On what Jamshid has crafty smiled.

- Will be, there will be such museum, - he has told. - I already repair a building in which will be both workshops and a museum exposition. Give a time Е

While we with enthusiasm listened Jamshid, his assistants have taken out a huge door of a dark nut from a warehouse. Jamshid has suggested us to approach to it more close.

And here it was not already simple words because magnificence of this wooden cloth is that that words probably aren't present such to describe it with words.

The technics of a multilevel carving is developed by Jamshid. He explains, how there is a similar carving, and here eyes of this miracle can't comprehend.

Here four layers of the pattern, located on different depth. Also it seems that all consists of four various stuck together layers.

It is a layer of an integral nut tree.

We have asked Jamshid to stand nearby this improbable door. And Jamshid has given us a gift. He has gone to the house and has returned therefrom in traditional national Uzbek clothes.

Here it, master Jamshid Gaipov opened and affable. The woodcarver in the seventh generation. In this person there live unprecedented images of openwork cloths, and its talented hands are able to open these cloths in a usual piece of a tree.

Jamshid Gaipov - the keeper of centuries-old secret of east wooden lace.

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